Donations are now accepted by e-transfer directly to the Church's email address: [email protected]
E-transfers are automatically deposited and will receive a charitable donation receipt in January for tax purposes.
If you donate through Canada Helps, your charitable donation receipt will be issued by the Canada Helps organization.
E-transfers are automatically deposited and will receive a charitable donation receipt in January for tax purposes.
If you donate through Canada Helps, your charitable donation receipt will be issued by the Canada Helps organization.
Worship Services |
Contact |
Office hours |
Location |
Join us on Sunday at 11:00 am. In-person or virtually via Zoom live from the front of the Sanctuary.
Monday 9am-2pm
Tuesday 9am-2pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 9am-2pm Friday 9am-2pm Saturday Closed Sunday Service starts 11am |
315 Fitzwilliam St
Nanaimo, BC V9R 3A6 |